Employ Health is committed to making the workplace a hub for health change and sleep is a key part of our health, and not to be missed. Sleep impacts employee performance, productivity, absenteeism, turnover rates, profitability, safety, and health care costs. Sleep deprivation is a risk management issue, requiring corporate management to take action.
Extensive Experience
Since our physiotherapists work only in occupational health the combined workplace experience at Employ Health is extensive, with onsite practice across multiple companies and industries across Australia and New Zealand. With a distinct understanding of how sleep plays a part in your workers health, we work with you and them to make a positive change.
Full time occupational health physiotherapists
Employ Health only employees full time occupational health physiotherapists. All our time and training is dedicated to the running of successful onsite health hubs, physio and health programs with no distractions from private practice or sporting team commitments.
Innovative reporting
Our unique data capturing systems and reporting functionality allows us to customise the reports to partners to focus on the data they deem important with the ability to even report to different site requirements within the same business. Monitoring and reporting on worker sleep health will help you make the changes that will have an impact.
Start your journey to Proactive Workplace Health
Call 1300 367 519What Is A Corporate Sleep Program?
A corporate sleep program involves Employ Health Physiotherapists running educational seminars on sleep hygiene and providing resources for your workplace.
Sleep & Productivity In The Workplace
Employees who are well-rested are more efficient and content at work. Companies that focus on staff wellness see an increase in productivity and sales and a reduction in costs and turnover. Focusing on sleep hygiene can help to improve learning, mood and energy levels; slow the effects of aging while lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s, obesity and diabetes; enhance the education and lifespan of our children; and boost the efficiency, success and productivity of our businesses.
Increased Energy & Concentration
Tired people have increased stress. Chronic sustained stress leads to decreased/suppressed immunity. Lack of sleep can lead to poor memory, increased impulsiveness and also poor decision making. insufficient sleep has been linked to an imbalanced increase in energy intake over expenditure, which leads to a positive energy balance and weight gain. Sleep quality may also moderate the relationship between physical activity and feelings of fatigue. This indicates that diet, exercise, and sleep all interact and influence our feelings of energy and our energy balance. Hence having a focus on healthy sleep can assist in boosting energy and concentration.
More Output & Revenue
Fatigue and sleep deficiency can lead to consequences such as higher workers compensation expenses, lost shifts and other costs and risks.
Improved Morale
Sleep helps with physical and emotional restoration, brain processing and memory consolidation. There is a strong link between quality sleep and depression, so aiming for no less than 6 hours and no more than 9 can alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety in some people. Studies show people who are sleep deprived report increases in negative moods (anger, frustration, irritability, sadness) and decreases in positive moods.
Sleep Deprivation & Workplace Safety
Workplace fatigue is one of the most prevalent safety hazards needing occupational health and safety management in Australia. Fatigue is one of the biggest contributors to workplace accents. It can negatively impact workplaces in many ways:
Compromised Safety
Fatigue and sleep loss have been shown to lead to compromised safety. This is true in all workplaces but particularly where equipment is involved. Studies have shown driving or operating equipment while sleep deprived is roughly as dangerous as a 0.10% blood alcohol concentration.
Lower Productivity
Sleep deficiency reduces energy and concentration, meaning staff get less done, and often at a lower standard.
Higher Costs
Fatigue and sleep deficiency can lead to consequences such as higher workers compensation expenses, lost shifts and other costs and risks.
Start your journey to Proactive Workplace Health
Call 1300 367 519What Does A Corporate Sleep Program Include?
Employ Health’s corporate sleep program includes individualised presentations and seminars by trained Physiotherapists which can help engage management and employees with compelling sleep research. In these sessions Employ Health are able to teach basic sleep science to facilitate a foundation for change and provide sleep improvement strategies and solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone, even workers who are working ‘normal hours’, but especially those at risk of fatigue and the workers in a 24/7 workforce.
Research based solutions are used to develop the sleep program, and the program is extremely effective when followed.