What Is A Workplace Wellness Seminar?

How often have you asked yourself “where do I even start?” when beginning something new? Now, imagine how many of your workforce feel the same way. Employ Health’s workplace wellness seminars help to empower employees with practical and workplace specific strategies to begin their own health journeys.

Use health as a lever to improve your employee satisfaction & business culture

Empower your employees with easy to access strategies to make health changes

Set the stage for further health initiatives at your workplace

Benefits Of Wellness Seminars For Your Team

  • Dispel fads & myths around what makes us ‘Healthy’ using the latest evidence
  • Remove the guesswork out of ‘how do I get healthy’?
  • Create a culture of awareness and openness around health where employees can discuss their health

What Does A Workplace Wellness Seminar Cover?

Employ Health has been gathering data for the last 10 years in workplaces around Australia to find out the key health areas that most workforces struggle with. 

Our workplace wellness seminars cover a wide range of topics that are designed to break down the barriers that hold workers back from accessing their health. Below is a list of Employ Health’s core seminars.

Seminar 1

Getting Started with Exercise

The first step of a journey is often the most difficult. We often hear sayings such as “Where do I begin?”, “What’s the ‘best’ type or exercise?”, “Isn’t exercise for a younger crowd?”. Our Getting Started with Exercise Seminar burns away the myths & misconceptions and shines a light on simple yet effective strategies that helps employees re-engage with their physical wellbeing.

Seminar 2


This is no “Sleeper” issue! Chronic lack of sleep is rife in Australian workplaces and it’s impacts stretch out from work and into employees lives overall. Employ Health’s sleep seminar empowers workers on the science of sleep and how to create their own shut-eye sanctuary at home to be able to wake to their best selves.

Seminar 3

Diabetes Risk

Type 2 Diabetes is continually on the rise in Australia, yet most of us don’t know what the effects are and most importantly, whether they are at risk. We take employees through a background behind one of our country’s biggest health burdens, provide them with measures to calculate their own risk, then educate them on how to minimize the impacts of this disease-on-the-rise.

Seminar 4


Few topics evoke as much contention, fear & misinformation as nutrition. Much like getting started with exercise, employees are often in the dark when it comes to what constitutes healthy nutrition, but most importantly how to set up their routines to access it. Focusing on removing misinformation and laying a framework for a healthy food roadmap on ‘worker time’ is the hallmark of Employ Health’s nutrition seminar.

Seminar 5


As we continue to face changing circumstances both inside and outside the workplace, it becomes increasingly important to develop tools to manage those moments which can lead to being overwhelmed, often impacting our ability to make decisions, our relationships and overall health and wellbeing. In this seminar, employees will be taught the impacts of stress on the body and explore 2 resilience building tools that are instantly accessible.

Seminar 6

Active Office™

It’s time to get your office moving! Do you or members of your team experience: Pain across the shoulders? Burning pain between the shoulder blades? Headaches that start at the base of the skull that may travel around your head and behind the eye? A stiff and aching back when you get out of your chair? Fatigue that increases throughout the day? Stress that increases throughout the day? 

These are all common symptoms in desk based workers, but this doesn’t have to be the ‘norm’. To combat this, Employ Health has developed Active Office™ training. This is no death by PowerPoint session! This is a unique and interactive training experience where workers will learn how to get more active when at work and how to get into the optimal ergonomic position in all layouts.

Why Employ Health?

Our name tells the story! Employ Health is not just about analysing how your workers move and function, we consider worker’s entire health and aim to give them agency to enact whole body change.

Our Employ Health tribe lives and breathes our motto: ‘Health Trumps Everything’. Your employees will never feel a disconnect between our presenters and our content! We’ve built our seminars from not only the latest research, but through our personal health journeys and from the journeys of the thousands of Australians we treat every week.

Start your journey to Proactive Workplace Health

Call 1300 367 519

Frequently Asked Questions

Employ Health delivers a range of workplace wellness seminars. Our core seminars include:

  • Getting Started With Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Diabetes Risk
  • Resilience
  • Active Office

Employ Health records all of our seminars so any of your employees that are unable to attend live can watch back at their leisure.

Absolutely! We welcome questions throughout and love being able to address key questions, whether it’s dispelling myths, providing gems of information or getting our attendees to take the floor and demonstrate, we love interactivity!