It puts emphasis on alignment, breathing, developing a strong core, and improving coordination and balance. The core, consisting of the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, and hips, is often called the “powerhouse” and is thought to be the key to a person’s stability.

Expert instructors & physios

On-site classes of all sizes

Personalised pilates plan

What is pilates?

Pilates is a total body exercise, developed almost one hundred years ago by Joseph Pilates, to rehabilitate injured WW1 soldiers and later, for strength and conditioning of dancers. It became a favourite exercise option of the elite in New York in the 1960s but has now become more widely available, with a huge range of styles, from classic to contemporary and a number of hybrid classes, combining Pilates with everything from yoga to boxing.

What Does This Do For The Body?

Improves flexibility

Emphasising a full range of motion helps maintain, and in a lot of cases increases, mobility in the body.

Improves strength

Gain muscular strength and lumbopelvic control. A strong core is the ‘powerhouse’ of your body. It helps reduce back pain, improve posture and alignment, and helps power your sports.

Improves posture

Pilates exercises require that your body is always in alignment. This is especially beneficial if you suffer from lower back pain.

Improves workplace culture

Employees will feel improvements in their personal health and fitness, as well as assist with the management of any aches/pains or potential workplace injuries.

Start your journey to Proactive Workplace Health

Call 1300 367 519

Why Employ Health?

Employ Health physiotherapists are highly trained and skilled in assisting with exercise prescription and guidance on movements. Not only do they have a fantastic understanding of the body and the way our muscles work, but they also have insight into the workplace factors and contributions to injuries and stressors.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, it is safe to conduct, it is always supervised by a physiotherapist to ensure safety.

Pilates can range from very gentle to extremely challenging, all of the exercises are easily modifiable in order to suit anyone’s abilities.

Anyone can participate, a physiotherapist will ensure the program is appropriate for each individual and their current exercise level.

The health benefits of Pilates include:

  • improved flexibility
  • increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the ‘core muscles’ of your body)
  • balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body
  • enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs
  • improved stabilisation of your spine
  • improved posture
  • rehabilitation or prevention of injuries related to muscle imbalances
  • improved physical coordination and balance
  • relaxation of your shoulders, neck and upper back
  • safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries
  • prevention of musculoskeletal injuries
  • increased lung capacity and circulation through deep breathing
  • improved concentration
  • increased body awareness
  • stress management and relaxation

Pilates can certainly improve posture. Pilates exercises require that your body is always in alignment. This is especially beneficial if you suffer from lower back pain.

A pilates class involves a 45min – 1-hour exercise session led by a physiotherapist using a range of equipment.

All you need is some comfortable clothes and socks.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

As a business we strive to be proactive in managing the health, safety and wellbeing of all our employees. We utilise Rapid Response Physio to ensure our Service and Transport staff are cared for even when they are away from the office. Previously when workers were injured while away from the office the first we might hear about an injury is when they return to the office with Workcover forms. Now, our team gets a rehab plan sent to their smartphone from the physio, and we can implement the right suitable duties if needed fast, to help them get better fast.

Tracey Davidson

HR Manager QLD/NSW - A&L Windows and Doors
The 8 Week Challenge run by Employ Heath was awesome. It was the perfect way to get me motivated to get healthy. Not only did I get on board but the whole family reaped the benefits by improving our exercise and eating better.

Production Worker, George Weston Foods

Production Worker, George Weston Foods
The 8-Week Challenge run by Employ Health was awesome. It was the perfect way to get me motivated to get healthy. Not only did I get on board but the whole family reaped the benefits by improving our exercise & eating better

George Weston Foods

Production Worker
The traditional business has measured health by looking at a financial balance sheet...those days are gone. You have to have a healthy business through every aspect of the business

Darrell Bramley

Managing Director A&L Windows and Doors