Understanding these risks is the first step in implementing effective control measures to mitigate or eliminate them. In the context of transportation, the first step involves analysing and evaluating the specific hazardous manual tasks, thereby understanding the risks of injury associated with these tasks. Employ Health’s evidence-based approach provides your business with a structured approach to managing these risks effectively.


What Is A Transport-Specific ManTRA?

A Transport-Specific Manual Task Risk Assessment (ManTRA) is an effective tool used to assess musculoskeletal risks related to manual tasks in the transportation industry. It incorporates an analysis of task duration and characteristics, enabling a precise assessment of risk levels and the need for control measures.

The ManTRA Process for Transport Workers

In the transport industry, the ManTRA process typically involves:

  • Engagement by an industry experienced Employ Health physiotherapist with expertise in transport-related health issues.

  • Transport workers who are regularly engaged in the manual tasks.

  • Supervisory staff overseeing hazardous manual tasks in the transport setting.

The team then collaborates on evaluating task frequency and task specifics, focusing on five characteristics (cycle time, force, speed, awkwardness, and vibration) in relation to four body regions. The data is then utilised to assess exposure to each identified risk factor, following advisory standards.

Subsequent risk control measures, which are tailored to the specific needs of your business, are then recommended based on the assessed risk levels.


Enhancing ManTRA with PErforM in Transport

Transport workplaces can also integrate the PErforM tool (Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks) with ManTRA. This approach values the input of employees as task experts, promoting inclusiveness in risk analysis.


Benefits for Transport Businesses and Teams

Compliance with WHS Regulations:

ManTRA helps transport businesses meet their WHS obligations, ensuring a comprehensive risk management process.

Learning Safe Work Practices:

Engaging transport workers in the ManTRA process leads to a comprehensive understanding of risk management in their operations, fostering safe work practices.

Reducing Injury Risks:

By addressing manual task risks, the occurrence of musculoskeletal injuries, including strains, sprains, and fractures, is often reduced.

Improving Workplace Culture:

Adopting ManTRA and PErforM promotes a positive health and safety culture in the transport sector, mitigating risks at various levels.

Reducing Sprain & Strain Claims:

Implementing ManTRA in the transport sector has been shown to significantly decrease sprain and strain claims.

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When Is a Transport-Specific ManTRA Required?

Transport-specific ManTRAs are essential when manual handling hazards are identified. This should involve discussions with workers and safety representatives, and reviewing injury data to pinpoint tasks that are likely to cause MSDs.

Why Choose Employ Health for Transport ManTRAs?

Employ Health’s physiotherapists bring years of category experience in the transport sector, understanding its unique manual task challenges. This vast experience in implementing ManTRA and PErforM ensures an in-depth understanding of risk management, aligned with the Hierarchy of Controls and the Code of Practice: Hazardous Manual Tasks.

Start your journey to Proactive Workplace Health

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