What Is Mental Health First Aid for Warehouse Workers?

Mental health first aid (MHFA) is an evidence-informed course tailored for your warehouse environment. Participants will learn to recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental health challenges prevalent in warehouse settings, offer initial assistance, direct colleagues towards professional help, and implement strategies proven to be effective in maintaining mental wellbeing and managing crises. Your Mental Health First Aid Training allows participants to undertake an online assessment to become Accredited Mental Health First Aiders.


Benefits of Mental Health First Aid Training for Your Warehouse Business

Enhanced Workplace Resilience:

Arm your workforce with the skills to effectively manage stress, fostering a more resilient and cohesive work environment.

Cost Reduction:

Address mental health-related absenteeism and presenteeism, which can impact productivity in your business.

Improved Culture:

Creating a supportive and collaborative workplace that prioritises health and wellbeing.

Why is Mental Health Training Important for Your Warehouse Workers

The physical and mental demands in the workplace should not go unsupported.  By providing your workers with Mental Health First Aid Training you can:

Encourage Openness and Early Support:

Help build a supportive culture that reduces stigma and promotes early intervention and help-seeking.

Improve Employee Well-being:

Support employees in developing strategies to cope with work-related stress, benefiting both their mental and physical health.

Improve Productivity and Engagement:

A workforce that feels supported with their mental health is more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive.

Mental Health Training Programs To Suit Your Business

Employ Health will work with you to define the Mental First Aid Training program that will meet the needs of your workforce and business.


Why Choose Employ Health?

Demonstrated Results:

Employ Health has been working in the workplace health industry for over ten years delivering tangible results for some of Australia’s largest businesses

Industry-Specific Focus:

We customise programs to meet our clients needs ensuring that you are delivered a solution that solves a problem in your specific business.

Scalable Programs:

Employ Health has dedicated full-time teams located across Australia and New Zealand who deliver a comprehensive range of products and services ensuring that you can future proof your workplace health programs.

Contact Employ Health today to discuss how we can work with you to deliver your Menta Health First Aid.

Start your journey to Proactive Workplace Health

Call 1300 367 519