What Is A Toolbox Talk?

Your Toolbox Talk is more than just a safety briefing. It’s an informal discussion that addresses workplace safety and health issues pertinent to your industry, environment and culture. These talks are vital in nurturing a collaborative culture of safety that resonates with your Brisbane workforce.

Benefits of Brisbane-Focused Toolbox Talks

Tailored to your Brisbane work environment, our toolbox talks include key benefits including:

Localised Safety Awareness:

Addressing safety concerns specific to Brisbane’s climate, industries, and regulatory standards, ensuring relevance to your business.

Reduction in Workplace Injuries:

By focusing on local industry hazards and common regional challenges, your Toolbox Talks help mitigate risks specific to the Brisbane area.

Improved Team Communication:

Facilitate open and collaborative discussions that consider your workers, the workplace they work within and the work that they do onsite to promote a culture of care and support with open lines of communication.

Key Toolbox Talk Topics for Your Brisbane Workplaces

Your Toolbox Talk will be customised for your specific needs and delivered onsite to your team in Brisbane covering topics such as:

  • Outdoor Work and Heat Stress: Managing the risks associated with Brisbane’s subtropical climate, including managing Hydration, particularly during summer.
  • Local Industry Hazards: Addressing risks specific to your industry on your Brisban based site 
  • Workplace Ergonomics: Customised ergonomic advice designed to address any ergonomic considerations within your workplace.

Why Choose Employ Health for Toolbox Talks in Brisbane?

Brisbane Based:

Our Brisbane based team of qualified physiotherapists are all full time employees who are dedicated to working in workplace health. We bring over 10 years experience working in onsite workplace health to your business.

Systems Based Approach:

From our first meeting through to implementation and delivery of your program (whether that be Toolbox Talks or any other program we provide) Employ Health will be working with you on implementing scalable and reproducible systems that move your business closer to the desired workplace health program you want and need.

Proven Track Record:

Employ Health has over ten years experience delivering programs for our clients that move them closer to their workplace health desired state and deliver tangible outcomes for your organisation.

Start your journey to Proactive Workplace Health

Call 1300 367 519